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Master Thesis in Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation of a Microfluidic MEMS Device using FEM 18.08.2024 Bosch-Gruppe Renningen
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Master Thesis in Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation of a Microfluidic MEMS Device using FEM
Aktualität: 18.08.2024


18.08.2024, Bosch-Gruppe
Master Thesis in Multiphysics Modeling and Simulation of a Microfluidic MEMS Device using FEM
We are looking for a master's thesis student to contribute to the development of a novel electrified microfluidic chip, which will be integrated into a Lab-on-Chip system for Life-Sciences applications. This research aims to identify the optimal operating parameters and chip geometry, taking into account the challenges associated with maintaining cell viability within a microfluidic electrified system. During your assignment, you will develop theoretical models and numerical simulations to analyze electric field, fluid flow and heat generation within an electrified microfluidic chip, utilizing the Finite Element Method on COMSOL. You will apply these numerical simulations to determine the physical parameters associated with the electrodynamics, microfluidics and thermodynamics processes occurring within the chip for different fabrication geometries. Through literature research, you will establish the acceptable range of physical parameters necessary to ensure cell viability in an electrified microfluidic system. By integrating the results of your simulations with the findings from your literature research, you will optimize the operating parameters and geometry of the chip to meet the requirements for cell viability within the chip. Last but not least, you will compare your assessment based on numerical simulations with the experimental characterizations of a fabricated chip (optional).
Education: Master studies in the field of Mechanical, Electrical, Chemical or Biomedical Engineering, Physics or comparable with a focus on microfluidics, fluid dynamics, thermodynamics, electrotechnics or numerical modeling Experience and Knowledge: general knowledge in the fields of thermodynamics, fluid dynamics, microfluidics or electrotechnics; experience in mathematical description and modeling of systems, notably in the use of the Finite Element Method (FEM) for modeling, with specific experience in using numerical simulation software such as COMSOL; initial contact with lab-on-chip systems is a plus; basic knowledge of cell biology is a plus Personality and Working Practice: team player, curious, determined, committed, self-motivated,analytical, independent, structured and proactive Enthusiasm: enjoy interdisciplinary scientific work with an affinity and motivation to approach problems creatively and innovatively Languages: very good in English; German is a plus


