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Internship in GUI Development in C# for Consumer Sensors in Measurement Technology 22.10.2024 Bosch-Gruppe Reutlingen
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Internship in GUI Development in C# for Consumer Sensors in Measurement Technology
Aktualität: 22.10.2024


22.10.2024, Bosch-Gruppe
Internship in GUI Development in C# for Consumer Sensors in Measurement Technology
During your internship, you will develop GUI applications in C# for controlling and visualizing measurement data. You will collaborate with the development team to understand and implement the requirements for the user interface. Furthermore, you will integrate sensor functions into the user interface. In addition, you will conduct tests and troubleshooting in GUI development. Last but not least, you will document the developed software.
Education: studies in the field of Computer Science, Electrical Engineering, Mechatronics or comparable Experience and Knowledge: good knowledge of programming with C#, experience in MVVM Pattern is a plus Personality and Working Practice: a communicative and initiative person, who is able to work both independently as well as in team Enthusiasm: interest in measurement technology and sensor technology Languages: very good in English and German


